Program of Postgraduate Studies
“Political Science and Modern History”


The Postgraduate Program in Political Science and Modern History was established in 2003 and accepts up to 50 students each academic year.

Studies are free of charge and last for three academic semesters.

The total number of credits (ECTS) required for the M.A. degree is ninety (90), thirty credits (30) per semester and thirty (30) for the Dissertation.

The Postgraduate Program Political Science and Modern History is structured in two Specializations:

  1. Political Sociology and Comparative Politics
  2. Social Theory and Political Philosophy


The Postgraduate Program awards a Master's Degree (MSc) in "Political Science and Modern History" with an indication of one of the above Specializations and the corresponding Thematic Unit.

The program is supported by the academic staff of the Department, the academic staff of other departments of the Panteion University and other Universities, researchers of well-known institutes and centers, etc.

Postgraduate courses taught in English and French have been integrated into the curriculum.

A special feature of the Postgraduate Program is that students are not obliged to follow a common curriculum but can choose an individual program of study from a wide range of courses offered, in cooperation with the Student Adviser.